Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Qwikster Conflict

Netflix has recently decided to split their subscriptions into two different sectors. People who want to order movies/tv shows on line, will continue to go through Netflix. However, people who want to subscribe to the DVD portion, will now go through Qwikster. It has recently come to light that someone already owns the Twitter handle @Qwikster, meaning if Netflix wants to gain control of the handle name, twitter user Jason Castillo will either have to give it up willingly, or be paid out for it (if he plans to give it up at all).

The article I read suggests that Twitter may force Castillo to give up the handle, but I feel as though that is fairly unlikely. Castillo also recently tweeted that he has been contacted by three different parties offering to buy the Twitter handle from him. He states that his biggest offer was $1000 but he didn't know if he should accept it. I think if he is really considering selling the Twitter handle, he needs to persue financial advice and wait for higher offer (because I'm sure one will come). I also think it would be in Netflix's best interest to gain control of the handle, because Castillo presents himself as quite the "stoner". This could potentially put Qwikster in a bad light if people aren't Twitter savvy enough to conclude that the Twitter handle @Qwikster is actually not a Twitter account run by Netflix.

To read the article about Netflix splitting into two, click here.
To read the article about Jason Castillo's twitter handle, click here.


  1. If he wants to sell it, wait it out for sure! They can't legally "take" the name anyway, so he might as well hold out for the highest bidder. Oh, and I don't mean five or ten thousand, I mean something like $100,000. Crazy? Crazy enough that Netflix based the next step of their failing company on it. Additionally, as if changing the DVD service name will somehow beleaguer the fact that they are still two separate services (originally one) and that the streaming service is still a joke-ably small database of cheesy movies that by the way, any slightly tech savvy goofball can get for free on their computer. I say, hold out brotha man, hold out!

  2. They lost me with their price increase. I think their philosophy was that they would retain more than 50% of their customers while doubling their price, thus making a profit. FAIL
