Monday, November 7, 2011

Occupy Facebook

We have seen the use of social media to revolt in several different countries all over the
world. We have also seen it to be a very powerful tool to assist in over throws and legislative changes.
Before "Occupy Wall Street", The United States had never put the main players in social media to this test. We have typically used Facebook and twitter to post about our everyday routines or events we attended.
According to The Daily Athenaeum, North Americans have used social media in its most meaningful form since the beginning of this movement. This form is the power to organize on a mass scale.
In this article, the author encourages Occupying protestors to "Combat this by supporting social media – not through your ‘wall posts' or TwitPics – but through embracing an edifice that doesn't conform to the conventional media structure, instead relying on actual journalistic integrity and the absence of media bias."
This is the reason it has proven itself effective in situations like these and will always be the ultimate organizing tool.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, social media has been the most effective strategy for protestors world wide to be heard. "Occupy Facebook" is a great idea.
