Thursday, November 10, 2011

Minimun Age to be on Social Media?

I found an article discussing a minimum age limit to be on social media I wondered what other would think of it. The article says Facebook requires people to be 13 to be on the site but there is no way of checking. So Should there be an age minimum? Would this harm or help? I do not have kids and I am fine with my nieces and nephews being on social media.But what do others think?



  1. I think it is extremely important to have an age limit. I dont have children of my own but I have a friend with a 13yr old daughter who tends to get in trouble because of the comments and pictures she post on facebook. You dont know who is out there on and who could be trying to talk to a 13 yr girl.

  2. There should definitely be an age minimum on social media sites. Parents need to moniter their child's Internet activity as best as possible by knowing who they are friends with, chatting with, and what's being shared. Any one who is not at least in high school should have parental supervision.
