The FightBack app has been created in India to report crimes against women. The goal of this app is to increase the number of reported crimes against women in India. According to the article Women in India tend not to go to the police to report abuse due to the lack of cooperation from police officials and family influence to keep it quiet. Crimes against women are so common in India that police officials have almost gotten desensitized to the issue. The app will serve as a way for women to quickly report an attack and define their location so that police officials can have a greater understanding of where these attacks are happening and address the situation. This app allows users to report the violence on facebook, twitter, and on whypolls own website in order to raise awareness of this growing problem and increase the number of arrests made for female harassment. The app also has a GPS location devise so that once an attack has occured users can show where and when it happened.
I'm not really sure if the point of this app is to protect women or to just get more accurate data of how often crimes against women occur. I also don't know that this app will be any more useful than a help hotline or website. I think it's a great start in the right direction for protecting women and I am excited to see what new technology they will come up with to help this cause even further.
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