I usually pay close attention to the stuff that my older sister posts on Facebook, because she posts a lot about my niece and nephew. One day she posted a status that said, "My new addiction is Pinterest, I have found so many projects for Kylie's teacher!" and I started to ignore it until I saw that she had like 10 likes and 5 comments. After reading that all of her friends were also obsessed with this website, I decided I had to check it out. Next thing I know I'm signing for an account and "pinning" stuff to my own boards.
Basically Pinterest is a page that has a bunch of random pictures posted. Different things like food, drinks, DIY crafts, home decor, clothing, and crafts for kids. And on that page you can click on any picture and you will be taken to a full screen version and given the option to visit the original site that it came from. And from there you can learn how to recreate or purchase the item that you saw in the picture that interested you so much. I sometimes also describe it as a "stumbleupon wall for crafty people and food lovers". For members, you have the option of creating boards that are fit for your own interests and then "repinning" items that you see to your boards.
Here is the perfect example of how Pinterest should be used: A woman is getting married soon, and she is looking for ideas for her wedding all on the internet. If she finds something on a website that she would like to save and share with other wedding-goers, she can copy and paste the site to her "Wedding Board". As long as she gives credit to the original site, then anyone that is following her board can see what she posted. She can also look on various Pinterest pages to find inspiration and repin whatever she finds to her board as well.
I hope that made sense...
Even though I am not crafty whatsoever, in the past month I have also fallen to the addiction to Pinterest. There is just something about finding something interesting and letting my imagination run wild with the possibilities. Based on my interests, I now have a board for Food, Anchors, DIY Home Decor, Children's crafts, and Party Ideas.
I love this site.

Here is an example of something I would love to try and I would have never had the idea or inspiration to do had it not been for Pinterest!
i LOOOOVE pinterest!! :)
ReplyDeleteJust checked this site out - If nothing else, this site has some incredible photography. Wonder if we can use some of these with permission. Can also search photos by subject matter, a big plus. Thanks for the info!