The Newest Fashion: Social Media?
Are we really wearing Social Media now? According to, yes we are! Lady Gaga started it when she wore a dress made of meat when she sppeared on the 2010 MTV Video Awards. Last week, Gaga was upstaged by Icelandic pop-sensation, Kali, when she wore a dress made of QR codes. Fans could photograph Kai and scan the dress with their phones to see vidwos of her band. The designer called it a "super self-prmotional dress".
Since people like Lady gaga and Kali are now "leading the way," does that mean we can finally have a fashion show on the moon!? I can see the human bill-board now! Lady Gaga's "Flip-Side Creations" presents "Fahion tips for the Moon" (a fashion show for the hip) Don't forget your oxygen tanks kids! Taste and gravity optional, just try this on! (now scan this, now etner this verification code, now confirm that the code was...!)
ReplyDeleteTreading softly,
-John Daniel Leinweber-
...A question that this definitely asks is, now that free advertising space is directly located to the size of the body, can we not assume people will get bigger to accomodate their advertising potential?
ReplyDeleteTreading soflty,
-John Daniel Leinweber-